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Tall Tree Landsdale - Construction Update

The final bits and pieces are coming together at Tall Tree Landsdale!!

The bag hooks and shelving have been installed along with the Atelier frames for hanging your children's masterpieces. Our builders have handcrafted bespoke chairs and bookcases out of stunning timber! Furniture is being built, internal signage is being organised and room names are being finalised! Our interior designers have been onsite this week to create a beautiful warm and welcoming atmosphere.

Work has continued onsite and our incredible outdoor play areas are really taking shape. The lawn has been recently laid so there will be extensive grassed areas for your children to run and play. Our amazing age appropriate Naturescape timber structures are almost finished as well as our huge sandpits. The cubby houses and natural yarning circles are nearly complete as well as our chicken coop which has just been fenced in! The carpark bitumen has also be poured so everything is coming together nicely in preparation for our opening.