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Supporting Children's Charities

Community involvement and supporting children’s charities is something we at the Atlantis / Tall Tree Group greatly embrace and we often apply our position within our local areas to help raise money for charity.

Recently we have participated in two major fundraising initiatives – PJ Day for Fostering Hope Australia and Jeans for Genes Day.

Fostering Hope Australia, based in Perth, supports children in “out of home” care.

Fostering Hope’s program provides children with their own new suitcase or sports bag to keep. This helps ensure a dignified transition, to support them on their journey as many carers comment that all too often children arrive into care with a few belongings packed in a rubbish bag.

The Fostering Joy program also provides parties, picnics, excursions and other fun events for children in care. These events help children laugh, play, be excited, and experience the feeling of family joy. It also gives them the opportunity to meet children with similar experiences.

Fostering Hope supports regional and remote communities with clothing, toys, prams and other necessities. Many of these communities lack affordable shops, and Fostering Hope aims to help bridge the cap for those in need.

Across our group, we were delighted to raise over $730 for this worthy cause.

In August, we fundraised for Jeans for Genes Day by hosting cake sales and wearing our jeans! We were delighted to raise a whooping $1964 for the Children’s Medical Research Institute.

Children's Medical Research Institute was established in 1958 as Australia's first dedicated paediatric research organisation and launched the Jeans for Genes Campaign in 1994 to directly fund new, ground-breaking genetic research.

We actively participate in as many fundraisers and awareness days as possible throughout the year in order to help those in need and the success is thanks to the continued generous support of our families and staff. Thank you.