At The Atlantis Group, our long-term collaborative research into the six Noongar Seasons allows us to investigate and celebrate each season through different mediums.
For Makuru, our chosen medium was woodworking.
Woodworking is an incredible way to integrate STEM learning into our services. It offers numerous benefits for children, including:
• Fine-motor skills and hand-eye coordination are honed through activities such as securing screws and hammering.
• Creativity and imagination are nurtured during the design and construction phases.
• Woodworking is a powerful medium for building self-esteem. Children feel empowered and valued by being trusted to work with real tools.
We are proud to embed Indigenous seasons, awareness and cultural learning into our programming across all our services. The children were highly engaged and thoroughly enjoyed all the woodworking activities. Celebrating the Noongar Seasons and Makuru has been a rewarding experience for everyone involved!