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101 Care Bags Donated to Care Bags Australia

The Atlantis Group has been busy organizing a winter drive across all our centres and services to support our charity partner, Care Bags Australia. We made it our mission to collect as many winter care bag donations as possible for children in care.

Care Bags strives to make a meaningful difference in the lives of children in care and at risk within Western Australia. They want children to feel valued, know they matter and understand the community cares about their future.  On average, 80 children a month throughout Western Australia enter Out of Home Care (Source: Department of Communities 2020 Annual Report).

Care Bags - because children in care matter, was created in 2018, to provide Care Bags to children going into the foster care system. Children enter care often under traumatic circumstances with little more than the clothes they are wearing. A Care Bag for these children sends a strong, positive message - they matter, they are valued and people care.

Care Bags wanted to give that child some belongings for their first few days in care. Some essential items to provide some measure of comfort, something they could own and have control over. Care Bags make a small yet positive impact on the journey into care and help start their journey of healing.

Over the last 6 weeks, our wonderful families together with our fantastic staff generously donated backpacks filled with winter PJs, winter clothing, books, cuddly toys, puzzles and toys, underwear and toiletries plus many extra items that will go towards making additional bags.

Some of our children and staff met with Care Bags Vice-Chair, Sandy, today to have a look around a Care Bags hub to learn more about the operation. Whilst there, we were delighted to hand deliver101 bags to Care Bags Australia. An extremely successful winter drive!

We want to take this opportunity to thank our amazingly generous families and staff who supported this initiative and have helped make a real difference to the lives of children in our community. We are overwhelmed by this support and kindness; we are truly thankful to have such great families and an incredible team.

To find out more about Care Bags, visit their website: